Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The First Year Is The Toughest!

     My first steps were tough, very tough. Years of pain and inactivity coupled with doubt and nerves nearly made me not even try. Try I did though and I gotta say it was TERRIBLE! A mere 100 yards was all I could pull off. Standing on a street corner, doubled over and completely out of breath, I was miserable. I persisted and went again the next day and managed only a few more feet. I kept pushing myself a few feet further every day. I liked this, for some strange reason I really liked it and wanted to continue. It took me several weeks to hit that magic mile marker without stopping and I must have looked like a crazy man jumping up and down, double fist pumping the air and screaming YES! at the top of my lungs. I didn't care I was happy i just ran a mile without stopping. A few minutes later the realization that i had to turn around and go back quelled that excitement and I walked the mile back home. I will always remember that day; June, partly cloudy, humid and cool in a pair of worn out tennis shoes, cotton t-shirt that was to big, and a pair of old cotton shorts. This was my not so graceful beginning.
     The following months brought lots of runs, research and new gear. Shorts, tech shirts, socks, and ipod accessories were among a few things I found to make it more comfortable. I slowed for the winter and skied my heart out with the family and dogs, running for me was an out of doors activity not to be done in the winter snow. A friend, Jim, gave me a treadmill. I used it a few times, but just couldn't get into indoor running. I continued my research and a few short runs on the ice, which i have to tell you was not fun or pretty! I chatted with a friend in Oklahoma and she told me she was training for a marathon. A freeking marathon? are you kidding me, 26.2 flipping miles.....are you crazy?! In the back of my mind I admired her for it and knew it, I envied her resolve and dedication. On a -10 degree night after work i went for a short 2 mile jog. What happened to me was like a switch went on, I had to run a marathon by the time I was 40. I was 38, i had two years to do it. I spoke to Sophia and informed her of my decision to which she responded "Rock On! You'll do great!", me i was nervous. I went home and told my family, I received mixed looks and a "you can do it" from them.
     My first race was in April of 2011, a 5K that took me 37 minutes to finish. How was i going to finish a marathon when it took me that long to run 3.5 miles. I ran more, longer, harder and did more research. Shoes were something i needed in a bad way. I bought my first pair and in May i ran my second race with a friend and this time it took me 34 minutes. I was getting better, but not good enough. After that race Branden and I were chatting and for some reason we decided to try a 1/2 marathon, 13.1 miles was a distance i thought i could handle. I signed up for the Big Wild Life Runs 1/2 marathon scheduled for August 21, 2011. I was totally committed now and extremely stoked for it. I added distance every week, just 10% or so like the experts said to do. June found me running with a good friend Jim, i signed us up for the Run For The River 5K. No PR was set, but it was fun because my youngest daughter ran it too. A week later came the Bear Paw Classic in Eagle River, this time my wife ran with me, it was her second race. I set a personal best of 28 minutes, right in the middle of the pack.
     My training took a left turn in June when I decided to go minimalist and bought new shoes. It was amazing! I ran to far, to hard, and was dehydrated by the end of a 17 mile run. I don't know what i was thinking, but i can tell you I was on top of the world! The miles flew by with ease, I felt great, ran smooth and was having a ball. I knew i was in trouble when i got back to the truck and felt my legs starting to cramp. I also knew if i stopped moving before I got some sports drink or water in me I would be in real trouble. Try as I did to not stop moving I couldn't reach my water in the truck without stopping, that's when it happened. The muscles in my legs stopped working and seized up like a worn out engine. I cramped so hard that I couldn't breathe. I drank water and massaged my legs. A call to my wife to let her know i was running late and would be stopping at the store for some pain killers and sports drink then i was on my way home. I was feeling better a few days later, but still in a lot of pain if I tried to run. I got checked by a nurse at work and was informed i was grounded for at least a week, I had pulled the muscles in my calves and given myself Achilles tendinitis in both legs. Again research and reading proved that massage, rest, stretching and calf supports would help me. I did it all because i had a month and a week to my big race.
     The big day came and i was a mix of scared and excited. No i didn't care if i was last i just wanted to finish and not look like a fool. I made plans with a buddy, Dave. We were going to walk to warm up for 2-5 minutes then take off. A quick see you at the finish and a good luck and we were off. Neither of us walked! I had told Dave I was going to walk through every water station to rest my legs and stay hydrated, i did and he didn't. Dave was at least a 1/4 to 1/2 mile behind me though so i never lost sight of him. The turn around at mile 6.5 I saw Dave headed the other way still behind me a little way. Around mile 8 the water and sports drinks hit me and I had to pee. I mean to tell you I was either hitting the porta potty or I was going to make a mess. I dashed into the potty and it was pure relief! I was clear headed again and ready to roll. I exited and got back on track to see Dave ahead of me. Try as I did I was unable to catch up to him, I stayed behind him the whole way and got to see him run across the finish line. When I finished the high i was on could barely be controlled. We got pictures taken, got our finisher's medals and looked at our times. Although he finished ahead of me I was very proud of his efforts and mine. His time turned out to be 2 minutes 23 seconds ahead of me, yes that's how long the finish lane is. My time was slow, but respectable 2 hours 12 minutes 59 seconds.
     The following weeks and months were dedicated to planning a few short fun runs and a trip to Montana. While in Montana I ran a few short runs, hunted birds and hiked a lot with my best buddy in the world, Racheal. The abuse and lack of time off caused a pretty good case of runners knee and put a stop to my running for 8 weeks! I came back strong and barefooted! I made that mistake of over use and gave myself tendinitis in my foot, another 2 weeks off. Just as i got started again and got back on track with my cross training and running routine I wound up with pneumonia and have spent the last 3 weeks as a couch potato, resting and recuperating. I got out the runners schedule for 2012 and signed up for a 10 mile race in Soldotna in June and my ultimate goal of a sanctioned race the Big Wild Life Marathon on August 19th, 2012! 26.2 miles here i come! Until next time friends have fun, enjoy your runs and RAMBLE ON!!!!

1 comment:

  1. As a runner Skippy you'll appreciate this blog post I wrote:
